
Dalarna van der Kemp

Privacy statement of PianolesAlmere

Contact:                              Dalarna of der Kemp, owner

Address:                             Von Weberstraat 12

                                           1323BK Almere

Telephone:                          06-55833969

Email:                                 use the contact form

Storage of personal data

PianolesAlmere stores the personal data of customers as registered at enrolment: first- and last name, home address, phone number(s), email address(es) and the date of birth of the student. The date of birth is of importance because of the VAT exemption (BTW-vrijstelling) of music education for students up until 20 years of age.

For students of 21 years and over, 21% VAT is due over the price of the lessons.

Purpose of storage of the data

The data mentioned above is stored for communication about the lessons. The customer will receive the invoices for the piano lessons via the registered home and/or email address. Also, the customer will receive only the necessary information about the lessons, concerts, competitions and exams via these addresses. This communication is necessary for organizing the lessons, the lesson agreements, the concerts, exams, competitions and festivals.

Storage period of the data

All data mentioned above is safely stored in the computer(s) of PianolesAlmere. The data of current students is stored as long as the student takes lessons with PianolesAlmere. Because of tax laws, the invoices will be stored for a further seven years on the computer of PianolesAlmere and after that, they will be destroyed.

Data providing to third parties

PianolesAlmere does not share any data of customers to third parties, with the exception of the tax consultant. With this company, a processing agreement (verwerkingsovereenkomst) is in place, which means that they will not share the personal data from the invoices with anybody else and will not use this data for their own purposes.

Also, the address data of students who take part in the piano grade exams of the EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) are shared with that organization. This is necessary for printing the name and date of birth on the certificate (enrolment for these exams can only be done by the teacher).

This is always agreed explicitly with students and/or parents whenever a student enrols for an exam.

Video recordings

At presentations, recordings are made for educational purposes. These recordings can be used for  reviewing the performance with the student and/or the parents in the lessons. Also, some video recordings of students are published at the website for promoting the lessons of PianolesAlmere, but only after explicit authorization by the student and/or the parents. These recordings are stored in the private youtube channel of PianolesAlmere. Here, the settings for public reactions and enclosing of the url are switched off.

Technical details

PianolesAlmere makes use of the services of Strato.nl to host the website. Strato stores the visitor numbers and PianolesAlmere has access to these numbers through the Strato website.

Quote from the Strato website: “STRATO stores IP-addresses of website visitors for a maximum of seven days in so-called log-files. We do this to recognize and repel cyberattacks. Afterwards we remove the IP-addresses”.

PianolesAlmere has no access to the personal data (like IP-addresses) of visitors. For reasons of privacy, the host name and the IP-address of the visitor is processed anonymously in the Strato log files.

For recording the visitor numbers, Strato places cookies. PianolesAlmere has no  influence on this. PianolesAlmere has not given Strato permission to place cookies but unfortunately, this option can not be switched off.

The website of PianolesAlmere uses a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal data does not end up in the wrong hands.

The computer(s) of PianolesAlmere are protected by the antivirus software and firewall of ESET.


PianolesAlmere has a Google company listing (Google-bedrijven). This gives PianolesAlmere access to the results of Google Analytics.

The information thus gathered is, including the address of your computer (IP-address), transferred to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Please read the privacy policy of Google for more information. You will also find the privacy policy of Google Analytics here.

Google can provide this information to third parties if Google is legally forced to do this, or if these third parties process information on behalf of Google. PianolesAlmere has no influence on this. PianolesAlmere has not given Google permission to use Analytics-information gathered via PianolesAlmere for other Google-services.

Access to and changing of data

Customers may request to view their data and have it changed if required. Please contact us by using our contact form. Your changes will then be processed in our administration.

Customers can post a complaint on violations of privacy by PianolesAlmere at the “Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”.